Podcast Episode 46 – Brian Hoyer EMFs Health and Cancer

46 Brian Hoyer EMFs Health and Cancer.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

46 Brian Hoyer EMFs Health and Cancer.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Hi and welcome to the Cancer Secrets podcast. I am your host and guide, Dr. Jonathan Stegall. Cancer is like a thief who has come to steal, kill and destroy. I have personally seen it wreak havoc on patients, friends and even my own family. But I am on a mission to change the cancer paradigm through the practice of integrative oncology cancer treatment that integrates the best of conventional medicine with the best of alternative therapies backed by science and personalized to each patient. You need a positive voice you can trust. This podcast will share valuable information to give you practical hope for a better outcome. So I invite you to join me on this journey as we seek to change the cancer paradigm together. Hello and welcome back to the Cancer Secrets Podcast. I'm your host, Doctor Jonathan Stegall. This is season three and episode number 46. And I have a wonderful guest today, Brian Hoyer. Brian, welcome.

Yeah, great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Absolutely. It's an honor. I'd like to tell our listeners more about you. Brian Hoyer is a biologist who began his deep dive into health when he became a father who wanted to provide the most optimal growing environment for his family, his desire for his family to thrive, and his devotion to the truth drove him to find the most insightful and cutting edge methods for addressing what's really going on in our bodies and our environments. This led Brian to become a nutritional therapy practitioner, training with a Clean Heart Academy and becoming a certified biologist trained by a pioneering environmental medicine clinic that has been addressing electromagnetic fields and geographic stress since 1983. Brian travels throughout the country speaking, doing EMF assessments and helping families install shielded solutions. He founded Shielded Healing in early 2018 with a goal of helping modern humanity recreate environments that more closely mimic our ancestral human habitats. What is such an honor to have you? And again, welcome.

Yeah. Great to be here. I'm excited to dive into it.

Well, I am too, you know, because, you know, our listeners have heard me mentioned before my my concerns about EMFs and their harm potential harm to our bodies, and especially as that relates to cancer. So we've had this on the books for a few months now, and I've just been so excited ever since we got it on the schedule to get to to interview you and talk to you.

Awesome. Yeah. There's there's definitely a lot to talk about. And I think I looked at that line a few days ago that you sent me, and I think we're going to cover a lot of good ground and people are going to find a lot of very, very helpful information as we get some of these questions answered. So I'm excited.

Excellent. Well, let's let's dive on in. Let's first, if you don't mind, just define EMFs for us.

So yeah, EMFs it's a it's kind of an acronym for Electromagnetic Fields and some people use it to say electromagnetic frequencies, but it's it's the whole gamut of different types of radiation. And traditionally and conventionally, we break that down into non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. And the scientific consensus before, I guess you could call it somewhat of a consensus for for a long time, the traditional understanding is that only ionizing radiation is damaging. And that turns out to to not entirely be true. It can only be it can be very damaging to on the cellular level, on the DNA level, it's very obvious the damage that happens almost immediately. But the non-ionizing tends to be something that also happens immediately, but in a different way. And so we'll kind of talk about that more later. But essentially when we're talking about EMF in this podcast, we're talking about manmade electromagnetic frequencies or fields because there's natural fields that come from the earth, from the sun, visible light is considered a type of electromagnetic field or frequency, and then also like UV radiation, some of the invisible light. But then there's the magnetic field from the earth. So the the more natural frequencies this is this kind of how I would break it down is in the more natural frequencies versus the manmade frequencies. So the natural frequencies are actually beaming down. They're direct what's called direct current DC. So we get DC grounding from the earth. There's this, there's this electricity that comes up from the Earth and the Earth's kind of like a battery. It's got a North Pole and a South Pole, like a magnet. Magnets produce a DC magnetic field, a static magnetic field that's going in one direction, whereas the manmade frequencies are pulsating and oscillating and those are unnatural, something our bodies have never been exposed to before in the history of mankind. And we found that those can actually be damaging in various ways to human biology.

Excellent. And our bodies are are an electromagnetic field as well, right.

Yeah. So your heart produces a measurable magnetic field. And there's a lot of interesting studies by this organization called the Heart Math Institute, where they have documented how the heart actually communicates electromagnetically with the brain and vice versa. And there's this communication going on with the different organs and also on the cellular level with different DC voltages. So like every cell in our body have these channels called voltage gated calcium ion channels. There's potassium channels and other minerals that have these channels that are regulated with voltage that goes as it goes across the cell membrane, it signals the cell to either open or close. And so with the calcium channels, that's that's one thing that has been studied very extensively. And a lot of that research has been put together by Dr. Martin Powell out of Washington State University, and he's documented how the different types of EMF, manmade EMF, the electric fields, magnetic fields, and also wireless frequencies that are considered higher frequencies from your cell phone, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, your Wi-Fi router, all of those wireless frequencies, those have an effect on these channels. And so, yeah, these are these are some of the things that we're concerned about because as we know, we're these this is becoming an increasing amount day by day. We're getting more and more saturated with these fields and frequencies. And they're finding it to have a very significant impact on our on our biology in different ways. And there's also a lot of interesting ways in which it actually relates to people who have a tendency toward cancer growth or other kinds of diseases. But it's it's something that all of us really need to be concerned about and learn more about.

Well, thank you for saying that, because I agree with you. I mean, it's I feel like it's sometimes out of sight, out of mind. You know, we think, okay, well, you know, if I can't see it, I can't smell it, you know, I can't feel it, then it's probably not causing me a problem. But I mean, if you think about our world today with with all of these EMFs just going every which way all around us and through us, I mean, it's it gets a little scary when you start to think about it.

Yeah, it can be overwhelming. So, you know, there might be some people right now listening that are like, okay, this is everywhere. How can we avoid it? What's the deal? I like to have when whenever I go and do an assessment that someone's house that kind of lay it, lay it all out for them, it can be overwhelming by the end when they hear all the buzzing and the clicking and the noises and the the sights and all the lights from the meters that we have. But the good thing about about this is it's manmade technology that we've created, and there are manmade solutions that we can use to kind of block these frequencies and or reroute them in a different direction away from the body. And there's a priority system that we have to put in place that that's that we've established in regards to how the human body works, when's the most important time to protect yourself? And also what is the most prolonged exposure? So those are kind of the the ways that we kind of help people prioritize in their home and their workplace, wherever they're at traveling. We can help them prioritize how how do we address this issue so that we don't have to worry about it so much and do it in a way that respects the nature of our ancestry and our human biology?

Excellent. I love that. I'd like to go back a little bit to the the ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation. Could you give us some examples? I mean, ionizing is obviously like radiation. Radiation therapy treatment someone may get for cancer or something like that. But could you give us some good examples we can identify with for for both of those?

Sure. Yeah. So ionizing radiation is something that actually physically knocks an electron from its position and that can cause instant DNA damage. And so, yeah, that would be something like x rays or an ionizing radiation. There's no doctor anywhere in the world that would argue that x rays cannot damage the human body. We all know it. That's why you have to wear the lead apron when you go get your dental x rays or a chest x ray. You know, they're very careful about about how the people around are exposed to that because they know that this is something that's a prolonged exposure. It can cause some really, really significant damage to the body. And so x rays, gamma rays, you know, all of these things, there's a lot of cosmic radiation that we get from the sun that's actually filtered out from the atmosphere. And also the Earth's magnetic field kind of blocks a lot of that. So we're we're not really meant to be exposed to that. And there's actually a lot of research that shows that in micro doses it can actually be beneficial, which is kind of interesting. But that stuff in excess, the ionizing radiation in excess, we know that's always, always bad. What's what's interesting is that the non ionizing radiation that doesn't immediately knock an electron off its axis, but it will damage the cell and the physiology in a different way.

And that's by disrupting the way that the body is working to respond to inflammation or the way that calcium signaling happens in the body. So if it's causing a voltage shift, then it's kind of like changing the physiology of how the body is supposed to be reacting to the environment around us. And when that happens, when a shift happens, your body is kind of put in an environment where it's alien. It's something that you're not recognizing truly what's going on. And then there's this inflammatory process that can happen where the the voltage gate opens up, lets calcium flood into the cell. And there's this inflammatory response with these different chemicals that are that react together with nitric oxide is present with superoxide. That combination with the calcium creates this free radical called pyridoxine nitrite. And there's many studies on high toxic nitrite levels and in cancer patients that you can look up on PubMed and that sort of thing. And so this is something that's very concerning. It's an inflammatory response. People that have fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, even just insomnia and sleep issues, they're looking at the pyridoxine nitrite levels. And in those people, people that are really toxic and that's with a lot of people with cancer, have some of those issues. And doing a detox is a major part of of any protocol for dealing with cancer.

Sure. Absolutely. Well, it seems to me that with with the non-ionizing radiation, you know, things like cell phones and, you know, wi fi that goes along with it and in know 5G, those kind of things. Now, I mean, these are these are new exposures in the context of human history. I mean, we have it, like you said earlier, we haven't been exposed to these and we weren't arguably weren't designed to. So I guess that's one of my concerns is, you know, they we're told that these things are safe, but yet it seems impossible that they can really be deemed safe when there there hasn't been enough research done, especially over the long term, to truly investigate that. And would you agree?

Yeah, I agree for the most part. And it's funny because that's the that's the line that they keep repeating, that there's not enough research. But if you actually look into it and you can you can actually see some of the research that's been done there is, you know, tens of thousands of studies, peer reviewed and double blind placebo studies that have been done on electromagnetic fields. They've studied it extensively, including our own government, has studied it. And one of the biggest studies that came out recently, a few years ago, was the National Toxicology Program published a study that was a, I think, 25 or $30 Million study that they did for 30 years. And and they showed a correlation between cell phone use and brain tumors. Heart sonoma's different types of tumors in rats, including in the ovaries and the testes of these different lab rats. And as with much of the pharmaceutical industry, they have a big pole in Washington. And so there's a lot of special interests that have it's in their best interest to subvert this this information or downplay it. And so there's a lot of political pressure in that realm. We can't deny that it's known that that not everything that we hear from the official release is always completely true. So you kind of that's why a lot of people are into really looking at the studies themselves and trying to understand it more.

And then often when a new study comes out with that information, you also have to look at how that's marketed later, because originally there were certain doctors that were on the board of interpreting the studies and they put out their initial review of everything and then they were quickly removed and a new person was put in by the industry. And then they have a new headline that the media goes with saying that cell phone radiation causes tumors in rats, but we still don't know if it's safe for for humans. Right. It's still up in the air. And the whole study was for the purpose of seeing if it would cause any problems for for humans. And rats have a similar blood brain barrier to to what humans do. And and so that's why they studied the rats was to see if there was going to be that. And then, of course, it's unethical to actually study humans. So it's just this roundabout way of saying, like, yeah, we admit there's there's something more studies always need to be done. But when, when are the when are there going to be enough studies to say that this is concerned we should change the the the standards for how much of this radiation we're getting?

Well, it sounds eerily similar to to cigarettes. I mean, for so long, you know, we were told, oh, it's cigarettes are fine. You even had, you know, the ads with a doctor and their white coat, you know, smoking the cigarettes, saying, you know, I smoke every day. And it wasn't until finally, you know, some research was uncovered and I think lawsuits were involved that the cigarettes were actually deemed carcinogenic. So I can't help but wonder if it's going to be the same thing with with EMFs.

Yeah. And, you know, a lot of the cell phone companies are realizing that this is happening and that there are there actually are some lawsuits in the works against the FCC and and maybe even some of the big telecoms. I mean, it's kind of intimidating to try to sue a big telecom company because they're just so, so powerful and so much money and influence. But there are some lawyers, the Children's Health Defense Fund there, they're suing the FCC for for the standards and ignoring some of the some of the studies, basically, that their own government, our own government funded. So there's you know, there's there's the cancer issue. A lot of my concern with this doing this for people is a lot of people want to optimize their health as well. Sure. And so it's one thing to try to prevent a disease or to encourage somebody to heal who is going through some kind of treatment for cancer or another illness. And we can recreate an environment where you have the best chance to heal by removing all the stressors. That's the basic steps to any healing protocol is to remove the the stress, the environmental stressors that are causing the body to inflame and then introduce nutrients and other kinds of therapies that encourage the body to use the resources to repair the damage that's been done and to remove the toxins.

Right. So we know that the body, in order to heal it, needs to be in what's called a parasympathetic state. You have to your nervous system. Healing and repair regeneration is a parasympathetic process. And so you have to. And what that means is it's a restful process. You have to you have to be in a state where you can actually relax and the body will prioritize the healing instead of dealing with some kind of environmental or emotional stressor, even. And so that's really kind of the the whole philosophy behind what we're doing is we're trying to recreate that natural environment that we had 200 years ago and awaken these dormant healing responses in the body for people. And when we've done that, we've seen people sleep improve. We've seen them get off of medications like thyroid medication, adrenal medication, like all kinds of different even supplements. They reduce the amount of supplements that they have to take, and it helps to gain a more robust immune system, which is really a big deal nowadays with everything that's going on.

Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, I'd like to talk a little about cell phones. You mentioned that we both have talked about that a little bit. But I mean, they're they're they're all around us. I mean, we all have one. I mean, there's cell phone towers all around. I mean, what what general advice do you have about how we can how we can make those safer?

Yeah. Well, you know, I was actually just thinking about this a few days ago and like, because when I'm traveling, I have to use my cell phone. And so there's some different cases you can buy some or some are good, some aren't that great things that you can buy to kind of block the frequency from hitting your body. But the cell phone is very problematic, especially when people are carrying it in their pocket while it's on. And there's anecdotal evidence of of people who have like women who have carried their cell phone in their in their bras, and then they have tumors. They get breast cancer. And the tumors are right in the shape of where their cell phone where they always put their cell phone. And then there's people like Senator John McCain, who is always on his phone. He got the he actually I think he passed away. But, yeah, he had a yeah, he had a glioblastoma, which was very commonly known as related to cell phone radiation. And so there's people out there that are dying of these tumors who are have this chronic use. But the question remains, is it having a toll on everyone else, even if they're not using their phones all the time in their pockets? And they're and men often will put it in their front pocket or their back pocket, which is close to their genitals. And there's there's evidence of a rise in testicular cancer and that sort of thing as well. So it's it is it is concerning that there's a link to the tumors, but there's a lot that's going on in the body before those tumors form that that that caused those tumors to, to form.

And there's a lot of symptoms that you'll notice before any illness is actually diagnosed and things that are uncomfortable and things that are making it. So you're not enjoying life as well. So those are the things that we're looking at extensively and trying to help people understand that it's not just about not getting an illness. It's a it's about actually improving your life and giving your body the best chance it can to heal and and to so you can have the longevity and also preventing those illnesses that our seniors have with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and those sorts of things, because this stuff really does impact the brain very significantly. That's been shown to cause a leaky blood brain barrier within just a few seconds of of having the the pulsations of the radio frequencies. And so and then we know that if your brain becomes leaky, there's going to be inflammation that follows. Your gut is also going to be inflamed and you're going to have intestinal permeability, which then leads to allergies for foods and pollens and all sorts of things that your body is basically attacking all these barriers that your body is trying to keep in place to protect you, and it's part of your immune system. And so it becomes something that's very, very important to protect your body, especially at night when your body is supposed to be doing all this healing and repair work.

Well, it's interesting. You know, with cell phones, you know, people holding it up to their their ear. A few years ago, I started asking every every patient of mine with a, you know, a brain cancer diagnosis, you know, which which ear do you tend to hold your phone up to? And without fail, that's always the side of the brain that their tumor is on. And again, I mean, we know we had brain tumors before cell phones came out. So I'm not saying that's the only cause, but I mean, man, it's just it's too coincidental. I mean, there's obviously something going on there causing that that disruption. And like you said, women holding the cell phone in their bra. I mean, I haven't encountered that as much, but I have heard about those cases as well. And and certainly with with men with the phone in their pockets, I mean, certainly that's going to affect cancer risk in that area as well. And I've even heard some infertility doctors express concern that that's a big reason for infertility these days, is that men are keeping their cell phone in their pocket right next to their genitals and they're not fertile anymore. And that wouldn't surprise me one bit. So what they said is the first thing I tell patients, take that phone out of your pocket and put it somewhere else, because that's probably keeping you from from being fertile.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And and you hit hit it on the head there, too, is that the tendency is especially in the media, but in the conventional medical establishment as well, is to say like, oh, just because there's no there's no studies that show unequivocally that this causes the cancer in the brain. But with cancer and really with any illness, there's never usually just one cause it's all it's a multiple things that are contributing. It's the it's the diet, the food that you're putting into your body that's that's making up the every single nutrient makes up the tissues and the organs and then the systems in the body. And so it's the building blocks. The nutrients are the building blocks of your body. And the quality of those building blocks is going to have a huge impact on the integrity of your of your whole structure in your system. And so it's that but it's also this energetic environment. We have these we have physical stressors which are like toxins, environmental exposures that we have that that can cause damage to our tissues and our in our structures and replace like different heavy metals or place on receptor sites where a good mineral is supposed to be. But then there's also the environmental, the energetic biophysical stressors is what I call them. And those things are are things like the manmade radiation. And and if just if we kind of go back to the basics of what is an EMF and we think about how does EMF impact the body, just go back to this idea of how do we restart a heart, we pump voltage into the heart, right? And it causes the muscle, the heart muscle to contract and then the heart restarts.

And then there's these little voltage sensors that you can put on muscles to cause involuntary muscle contraction. And so what we've done in our modern world is, you know, I'm at a campground right now. So what I kind of like to use this as an illustration, like if you're wanting to get out in nature and live the way that your ancestors lived and just imagine you go out there, you pitch a tent and and you're out in the middle of nowhere, no cell phones or anything. And now it's pretty hard to find a place where there's no cell phone reception. But imagine there's no cell phone reception. And we go out and we pitch our tent and then, oh, there's a place to plug in so we can do our cooking, have some light and that sort of thing. So we plug in an extension cord and then, Oh, you know what? Here's a good idea. Let's just wrap that all the way around the outside of our tent, wrap it under our tent, and over our 10th all the electrical cord. Now, does that seem like a natural, healthy environment? No, not at all.

And what it is, is this 60 hertz pulsating frequency that we're surrounded with. And that's essentially what we've done in all of our bedrooms. We have this ro max wiring that goes around our bedroom underneath our our floors, especially if you have a downstairs underneath you and then up to our ceiling where our lights are, and that's constantly pulsating. We measure this in people's houses and there's people you can meet. You can have as much as 2000 millivolts or two volts up to I've measured 40,000 millivolts or 40 volts going through your body, just doing these micro contractions all night long while you're sleeping. And your body is supposed to be static at rest. But there's these. Oscillations that are happening 120 times back and forth per second. And the body feels that. And it's not able to actually truly relax and rest and recover because of that. And some of the most some of the most impactful results we've seen is from people. Once we fix the electric field issue in the House, this doesn't even have anything to do with the wireless. The wireless has a big impact, too. But there's electric fields, there's the wireless radiation, there's magnetic fields from wiring errors in the home and being too close to motors that are running or power lines that are outside. And then there's also these transients of dirty electricity that are riding on the 60 hertz electrical wiring where there's thousands of higher frequencies that penetrate deeper into the body.

And and they not only cause damage to the body, they also damage your sensitive electrical equipment and help make it so it doesn't last as long or run as efficiently. So for that problem, for each thing, there's a different solution. There's never just one solution that will fix all of these things. That's not really how science works. To fix an electric field exposure. There's a different solution than for a magnetic field than there is for a wireless frequency or these transients that are on the line. So there's you know, it's interesting, if you try to address this issue, many people go out and buy these stickers or these pendants or different things that are on the market. And I take my $20,000 worth of equipment and not even one of those things has ever worked on reducing the level of exposure that you're having, because it's not based on any measurable science. And that's kind of really what I'm into, because in this world where everyone's so skeptical about this being an issue, you have to use science based equipment in order to actually measure this and show people that this is an issue because it's not a natural thing. Right. And so, like, I've got a meter right here with me. Would you like me to do a little demonstration?

Sure. That'd be great for those who are watching on video.

Okay. Yeah. And you'll be able to hear it, too, because that's that's the main thing is you want to be able to hear it. And often on the assessments, the goal is to show people that we want to make the inaudible audible and the invisible visible. So for you people listening, you're going to hear this. So I'm going to turn this on to a wireless setting. You can hear all the crackling. That's the lifestyle. You might be able to hear some screeching something. That's the way. Touch this.

Formerly radio station.

For the half hearted screeching sound. That's the cell phone towers. And then you can hear the FM radio stations and then the crackling sound. That's the wireless that I have to be on because I'm at this campground radiating myself. But I can see the transmitter right out my window here and it's kind of aimed right at me. So I'm getting blasted with all of this right now. I'm awake. My body's in a more sympathetic state. I can handle it more right now. Our ancestors were outside getting blasted with UV radiation from the sun, which our bodies are used to that more. And it's kind of more of a hermetic stressor, but so so kind of with that idea, we know that our body is able to handle these frequencies, any kind of frequency more during the day or any kind of stress more during the day. But at night, when we go into our back, into our cave, we're kind of protected from all the frequencies around. And we kind of tune in, hone in to our own body's frequencies. And there's different healing frequencies that your body sends to different organs that's measurable.

And you can look this up in many of the studies, the heart mask studies are a good place to start, but your body is healing on on these frequencies. There's a whole book called Healing as Voltage by Dr. Jerry Tennant, and he talks about a lot of these mechanisms in his book. Do you have that one? Yeah, I'm going to grab it. Yeah. That's one. Yeah. So, yeah, cancer is on and off switches. So that's a yeah, that's a great book and I'm sure you've, you've probably read more of that or gone deeper into that book than I have. But it's really interesting how if our body has all these interference frequencies that it's constantly being bombarded with 24 seven, but especially at night, the natural frequencies, those healing frequencies that your body is trying to send to the different parts of parts of of the body. They're kind of drowned out because we have all of this stuff going on. And that's something like if you listen to that, it feels stressful, it sounds stressful, and your body is perceiving that all the time.

Hmm. That's a great illustration. Thank you. So let's jump back to cell phones for a minute. I know you mentioned there were some some cases that some better than others. How about just some basic things? I mean, I'm guessing using speakerphone, holding your phone out or putting your phone on a table and doing speakerphone is is better than holding it up to your ear.

Yeah. So some basic habits that you can develop or using speakerphone. Setting your phone down whenever possible. If you do get a phone case, I would recommend one of the Faraday bag cases rather than the kind that's like flips flips over the phone. Just because when you're holding the phone, your body is actually acting as an antenna for the frequency. And a basic example of that is like when you had the old television set with the two rabbit ears and the TV antenna. When you touch that, you get better reception. On the screen. And so with with that, it's not just when you touch that that you're becoming an antenna. You're actually receiving those signals all the time, whether it's a radio station, TV, cell phone, whatever. And with these cell phones, a lot of the a lot of the bags that you can put on or the cases, they're not protecting your hands so that those frequencies are still coming under your arm. Got it. I mean, a lot of you might have even noticed when you're on your phone for a while, your hand will start to get numb or tingly or start to feel sore. And it's not just from the heat. There's something else going on there. And it's because there's these the pyridoxine nitrite and the calcium efflux into the cell.

It's it's it's causing inflammation to happen in your in your hand. And so it is important to keep that phone on airplane mode as much as possible. Also with a lot of the cases, they'll make it. So you have poorer reception and that's not good either because then your phone will ramp up the signal. So what I do is I download this app called Open Signal and it will actually tell you the location of the tower that you're connected to. And then I can get into it if I need to use my phone or be on a phone call or something. I'll get into a place where I have the highest reception. I will use my phone pouch so that I'm oriented where my body is on the other side of where the where the bag is that's facing the cell phone tower. So my phone will be in direct line of sight contact, not really line of sight all the time, but sometimes you can actually see the tower. When you can do that, that's. That's best. But. Yeah. You want to you want to have the best signal possible so that your phone is not ramping up even more to connect with the tower.

So. This is maybe an unfair question, but something you said got my attention. So if you're in an area with a weaker signal, then you're actually going to be exposing yourself to more EMF. So I know people have thought, oh well I just should go move out in the in the country, go out in the wilderness, get away from all this. But if you're still using your phone, then you're really almost doing yourself more harm than if you're in a city with a lot of different towers nearby.

It's possible. And as with everything, we have to measure these things in order to say that unequivocally so. But yeah, the there's this false sense of security going out to the country. And there's this there's even there's this website called antenna search dot com. A lot of people will use that website, which is very valuable to look for a place where there's not very many transmitters. And so they'll do a search out in the country like, oh, there's only three antennas. But then if you actually if you know how to use the website better, you can actually click on those three antennas and sometimes they'll have as many as 100 different transmitters on them. And so even though 103 antennas looks better than 100, if those three antennas each have 60 to 100 transmitters on them and they're facing the property that you're looking at, because someone at some point went out there, lived in the middle of nowhere and said, I don't have any cell phone reception out here. I need cell phone reception. And so they they got the company to blast the house with with radiation. It could you just have to be aware, you can't just put blinders on and think that moving on to the country is the solution for all of this. And really, just about every single house we've measured and I measured over 1000 homes in the United States. We've never measured a house yet that doesn't need some kind of shielding put in place for wireless radiation. Wow.

So one other thing you had mentioned about turning the cell phone to airplane mode, does that substantially decrease the the EMFs from the phone if it's in airplane mode?

Yeah, I always keep my phone in airplane mode. Airplane mode is is better than any cell phone pouch. So I always keep it in airplane mode if I'm not using it. And when I'm using it, I'll. When you first put it on off of airplane mode, it starts to connect and download all the information. A lot of you know that from when you're on a plane, you get off, you turn airplane mode off and then you download all your messages and everything. That's when your phone is going to be blasting the most signal. But it's continually doing that like dozens of times per minute when you're not in airplane mode. And so another tip you can do is you can turn off your cellular data. And that way it's not constantly trying to update all the apps, but you can still receive phone calls and text messages. So if you're just needing to be on call, like a lot of doctors and nurses that we work with, they have to be on call. And I tell them about that. Just turn your cellular data off. You're going to reduce your exposure by like. Hundreds of thousands of pulses per day. And so you can you can actually look at this in terms of pulses and the strength of the pulses. If that phone is right next to your body, that's a really strong pulse.

And each pulse is this is a stress response. It causes a literal stress response. There's even a video on YouTube of a guy that's next to a smart meter and they hook him up to an EKG machine and they have a radio frequency meter measuring at the same time as the EKG. And the moment that the smart meter pulses in a smart meter is a pulse, a pulsing electrical meter that many of us have on our homes that's monitoring the electricity. But it sends out a signal to the electric company about your electrical usage. And some of them they'll pulse like anywhere from 6 to 20 times per minute. But there's in this video they show the pulse happen in exact at the exact moment this pulses this this particular meter pulses like one time every four or five times every minute. But and one of those pulses, it shows that it correlated exactly with when the guy had a heart arrhythmia. Why so? So it's like evidence that this is causing people to have heart arrhythmias, heart palpitations. And also a lot of people suffer from panic attacks that have sleep issues. And many times when we've gone into their homes, it's because they're they're living really, really close to this smart meter that's installed right outside the window.

Hmm. So do you recommend that people call their power company and switch to the analogue versions, or do you prefer to do other things to try to mitigate some of the IMS from the smart meters?

Yeah, I mean, you can there's a lot of covers out there on the market and there's a lot of there's some YouTube videos on how to create your own cover. You're basically just covering the front of the meter and completing the Faraday cage to block the signal from coming out. Those work quite well. It doesn't completely cut out the signal in people who are really sensitive. They have had to get rid of their smart meter and have to pay like a monthly fee. Right. It's like an extortion fee, a lot of people call it. But but they. I don't. In my own house. I still have a smart meter, but it's off the house. So some people, it's far enough away that it doesn't matter that much. I still cover mine up with some protection. But if it's it's another one of those things you really have to measure and see if it's actually reaching. Especially the bedrooms, but the rest of the house as well.

Okay. And have you found that certain building materials are better or worse for EMF? I heard it mentioned once that stucco is maybe a little bit better at shielding. I mean, is there any truth to that?

Yeah. So one of the big parts of my business right now is helping people do home remodels and new home builds and do it right from the ground up. So, yeah, with stucco, one of the things that you can opt for is metal lathe to hold the stucco together instead of the fiberglass. And like a lot of homes we've tested in Texas, they have that installed and the metal lathe that's holding the stucco in place all around the home is also grounded. And so all the outside walls are very low in electric fields, but then also it makes it so that the radio frequencies can't come in as well either. So those homes, like it'll be like we measure measured in micro voltage, which is different than a lot of other people measuring these things. We're measuring the human body as an antenna. And so it'll be like over 10,000 micro volts outside and inside it'll be 2 to 3000 micro volts. The goal in a bedroom, though, is below 50 micro volts, and ideally all the way down to zero is where I like to see it in. In the bedroom.

Got it. Okay. It makes sense that we can't avoid all these things completely, but let's at least try to protect our sleep environment as much as we can, because that's where, as you said, that's where our our our restful rejuvenating time every night comes.

Yeah, exactly.

So I know we need to to to conclude soon, but I did want to ask a few other just kind of rapid fire questions if it's okay. Just in terms of exposures, microwaves, is it is it harmful to stand in front of a microwave? When it's on.

Yeah. So microwaves is kind of one of those interesting things is that we're, we're thinking about the actual microwave frequencies and that's the same that our cell phones use. So the microwave actually isn't much more harmful than a cell phone. But I like to think of it actually the opposite way. Your cell phone's as harmful as a microwave. And but the thing with the microwave is, too, is that it's not only producing the microwave or the radiofrequency radiation, it's also producing a magnetic field that goes anywhere from 10 to 15 feet out in a massive amount. It's a very powerful device. It's pushing out a lot of power with the microwave. They've kind of semi shielded it, but it's by no means a perfect shield. It'll max out our meter, even like 20, 30 feet away. For the radio frequencies and for the magnetic fields. It's going at a really probably 20 to 30 times higher than what we would ever want to be exposed to during the daytime. So I kind of coach my customers and clients to treat the microwave like a grenade. Like just if you're going to use it, do it, but then get the hell out of there. Like like go. Go behind the fridge, go behind something, something else around there to kind of block you or shield you from it. But ideally try to switch to slow cooking or food or getting a convection oven or something like that.

Okay, that's great. Thank you. And then what about at the airport? You know, TSA, you know, the the the little screeners. I mean, I always opt out of those. I mean, I do TSA pre and if I'm randomly selected, I opt out. I mean, is that is that effective? I mean, do you have concerns about those as well?

Yeah, I do. And I do the same thing. The only TSA pre is has been nice because they don't even make you go through that at all. Right. And then you don't have to even usually stand next to the device as people are going through it. The problem with not doing TSA pre is that if you're in the regular line, it takes a lot longer. But they'll put you right next to the machine that's screening everybody. And you sometimes you have to wait like three or four times and you're getting exposed that entire time. So if you're going to opt out, say, I want to stand away from the machine over here and point to a place that's away from it. And I want to wait over there and then let me know when I can come through, because otherwise you're actually going to get more exposure by opting out than just going through for a few seconds.

Really interesting to see the the TSA employees over the years as well, because you think about how much they're being exposed. I mean, they're working a whole shift next to those.

Yeah, definitely. Yeah. And those are those are operating at millimeter wave frequencies, the same frequencies they're using for a lot of the backhaul transmitters with 5G, which is a whole other topic. And I'll just say this real quick about that, is that the 5G frequencies, the millimeter waves, a lot of people are under the impression that they're going to be putting those in the neighborhoods on every street pole. I haven't seen evidence of that yet. In my testing or in the literature that I've read, what they're doing is they're upgrading the frequencies from 700 to 1900 megahertz up to like between 1900 and 3.5, 1900 megahertz to 3.5 gigahertz or 3500 megahertz. So they're actually just kind of making everything faster, step by step. And with 4G, we had frequencies all the way up to 24, almost 24 gigahertz. A lot of people don't realize that we've had those exposures for like over ten years and millimeter wave frequencies start at 30 gigahertz and go up to 300. And it's I am concerned about the millimeter waves and I'm concerned if they do start putting them on every street corner and trying to communicate directly with our devices like they will be doing in stadiums and town squares and that sort of thing. But. I'm much more concerned right now about the saturation of all all of the frequencies, including the 4G frequencies that they're using with 5G. And it's, you know, 4G was just as bad as 5G. 5g is just 4G plus more antennas.

Got it. Okay. Thanks for. Thanks for explaining that so well. And I wanted to also ask about EMFs from from some products that are or health promoting. I mean, something like a like a far infrared sauna. I mean, do we need to be concerned about EMF from equipment like that or is it so minimal that it's not a big deal?

Yeah, so that's a really good question. And what what I like to tell people is about that whole parasympathetic process to instigate the healing response in the body. To initiate that, your body has to be in a relaxed state and detoxification is a parasympathetic process and your body needs to be relaxed in order to do certain types of detoxification. And so that's where I would definitely recommend getting a low EMF, not even low. You need to find a zero EMF sauna, something that doesn't produce magnetic fields or electric fields on your body while you're using it, because that's going to cause those oscillations to happen and your minerals to be jostling around the entire time on and all on. Everything on the cellular level is just kind of chaotic when you're around those kind of frequencies. And in a sauna, like the natural sauna that we have from Mother Nature is being out in the sun and just relaxing, sunbathing and sweating. And when we do that, we don't have any of those oscillations like our ancestors never had any of those oscillations happening. And they were able to they didn't really have as much of a need to detox because they didn't have all the chemicals and crazy stuff that we have now.

But. Nowadays, we really do need to kind of make detox a part of our lifestyle. And so getting a sauna that mimics more what these ancestral detox pathways are supposed to do makes a whole lot of sense. And so near-infrared actually makes more sense than far infrared because we get 43% near-infrared from the sun and there's like the near-infrared saunas with the bulbs they produce 40% near-infrared and then they still have far and mid infrared as well. And they'll actually heat up your tissues just like it feels like the sun when you're in that sauna and the temperature doesn't have to be as high. We've never as humans, we never really go into a place where unless you're like in the Middle East, where it's like 140, 170 degrees, which a lot of these far infrared sounds to brag about that. And it's heat by conduction, it's heating the air. It's not necessarily heating your your tissue. You heat your tissue by going into a place that hot. But the light and the heat together heats your body rather than just the air.

Got it. Okay. Thank you. Well, before I let you go, I'd like to hear a bit more about the the inspections that you do. I mean, what's involved in that? And how can our how can our listeners learn more about that?

Sure. Yeah, well, we travel all over the United States. Soon to be international, I think I tried to go to Canada this year, but then COVID happened, and it kind of delayed that.

Which we're in the midst of right now as we record.

This. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, but we do travel all around the country and I have five people that have trained to work underneath me and they do an amazing job. And then we kind of review everything as a team. But basically what we do is we spend about 3 to 4 hours in each home and we test six different types of EMF stressors and then build a whole protocol for the home so that you can prioritize like the areas where your body is supposed to be in a parasympathetic state. So we really focus in on the bedrooms any place you're eating because eating is a parasympathetic process you need to in order to digest your food, you need to be relaxed and then also where you detox. So sleep is number one 8 hours every night of healing therapy. If you can get that in, you're going to be ahead of 99.9% of the rest of the people in the world as far as healing at night. And so we test for six different stressors, 3 to 4 hours pole protocol for the home, and we'll guide people through the process of installing those solutions or help your contractors do that. Fix wiring errors. Just kind of hold your hand along the way until you've fixed everything. And then at the end, after you've had everything installed, we do a free retest and make sure that everything's installed correctly. And we're back in your area.

Okay. Excellent. And you and your wife actually built a home with with these principles in mind, correct?

Yeah. We built a little tiny house on wheels and made it and shielded it. And then we also recently shielded our entire little 1200 square foot earth contact home. And I also bought a really micro trailer like five by eight that we have. We put a little loft in and I found a metal trailer, so I was with some windows and a door, so I was able to shield the bottom, the undercarriage. And we've been taking that around the country during the whole COVID thing because we're in the middle of the country when this whole thing started and couldn't really head back home. And I had a bunch of appointments already of people that were really sick and needed the support. So we were in a social business and continued to help people that needed it most during these times. But yeah, if you if people want to check out some other products on our website, it's shielded healing and that's in the store is where we have a list of where we're going to be in the different parts of the country and then just feel free to fill out the contact information and list Dr. Stegall as a as a referral. And we'll make sure that you get a coupon code for some money off of your assessment if you're interested.

Yep. Perfect. Yeah, that'd be great. Well, thank you so much for all that you do. I wish we had more time. I know we could spend hours talking about this, but. But I appreciate everything that you're doing in this arena, because I do feel that it's just so important that we are aware of these things is I know you agree because it truly is impacting people's health. Even people who don't think it is, it is having an impact on on the functioning of the body and all those cells in the body. So thank you so much for doing this.

You're welcome. We look forward to improving on our methods to that's one thing we're always trying to do is we're seeking new products and and and we're conducting the research ourselves and paying for the research to be done. So we're always improving and we're actually the first company to have an organic shielding fabric put out. So that's going to be coming out next month. And we're already taking pre-orders for that on the website. And that basically blocks out the radio frequencies. And when it's grounded, it can help block the electric fields as well. So people are making canopies out of that, putting that around their beds and that sort of thing. But that's something that it's kind of exciting to have actually hypoallergenic version of shielding material that's out there. It's the first time that's ever really been done.

Excellent. That sounds great. And then you mentioned your website, but any social media profiles that people should check out as well?

Yeah, I'm on we're on Facebook and Instagram. I'm still kind of learning how to use Instagram. I'd have to learn how to upload the upload the videos without radiating myself, you know, but it's so that's a little challenging for us. But, but we're getting there on there and I've got quite a following for not trying to post much already. So, but when we do post things it's pretty interesting. We'll be on an assessment and I'll show like what's flickering or what's emitting a frequency. We're kind of like signal hunters and counter surveillance experts too, because you can go through the home and detect bugs and different things that are transmitting that you didn't know were transmitting.

Exactly. So. Well, I'll let you go, Brian, but thank you so much for being here again. This was just a great episode.

Yep, you're welcome.

And we'll have to do it again soon.

Sure. Yeah, we'll do it again.

And just as a reminder to all of our listeners, if you haven't already, please subscribe to the Cancer Secrets podcast to be notified when new episodes are released. And if you're enjoying this podcast, please go to iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts and leave us a five star review. We would much appreciate it and stay tuned. We'll have many more great episodes coming your way. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks again, Brian. Yep. The lie. He.

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