Podcast Episode 30 – Natural Cancer Treatment Season 2 End

30 Natural Cancer Treatment Season 2 End.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

30 Natural Cancer Treatment Season 2 End.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to the Cancer Secrets podcast. Changing the Cancer Paradigm. Hosted by Dr. Jonathan Steagall, a medical doctor and cancer specialist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia, deeply affected by his grandmother's death from stomach cancer, as well as patients he cared for in medical training, he realized there has to be a better way to treat cancer. Dr. Stegall has a unique and innovative approach to treating cancer called integrative oncology, combining modern medicine with alternative therapies personalized to each patient. This podcast is designed to educate, support and give you a positive voice you can trust. We invite you to join us on this journey as we seek to change the cancer paradigm.

Hello and welcome back to the Cancer Secrets podcast. I'm your host, Doctor Jonathan Stegall. This is season two and episode number 30. In today's episode, I'm going to discuss national cancer treatment approaches. If you're new to the show, please go back and listen to my introductory episode to learn more about me and my vision for this podcast. As always, we encourage you to listen with a loved one or friend. Learning and enjoying the show with a community will be more impactful than doing so alone. Today's show is going to be a great one as we discuss national cancer treatment, including some information you might not have heard before. We're going to be learning more about what the research says about natural cancer treatments and also what I recommend for my patients moving forward. Natural cancer treatment. It's something you've probably read about and most likely have an interest in the idea of natural appeals to all of us. It's from the earth, so it must be good for us. The idea that we can use things from the earth in their unadulterated form to treat disease has been a human desire for civilisations. The hope that we can effectively treat cancer using natural therapies is especially commonplace given the fact that cancer is such an aggressive disease. In addition, many cancer treatments, especially chemotherapy, can be quite toxic and cause significant side effects. Sprinkle in some conspiracy theories about Big Pharma and hidden cancer cures, and you have quite the recipe for controversy. Now, those of you who've listened to this podcast know that I am supportive of any cancer treatment which has some science behind its use, as well as evidence for its effectiveness.

In prior episodes, I've discussed a wide variety of natural cancer treatments, including nutrition, supplementation, mistletoe and intravenous vitamin C, just to name a few. You're probably also aware that I'm very supportive, even insistent on a balanced treatment approach, which also includes conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery and other medical therapies when indicated. But what about a completely natural approach to cancer? We've all seen websites and posts on social media from people who supposedly told their doctors to shove it. Patients who rejected conventional cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and instead focused on natural cancer treatments. The treatments used in these cases tends to be a combination of nutrition, vitamins, herbs, and perhaps other natural or alternative therapies as well. Are these people onto something? I believe that the answer lies in the details. I have a few questions for these patients. First, did they actually have a cancer diagnosis? Again, we're reading about these people online or maybe even seeing a video testimonial from them. Did they truly have a cancer diagnosis? And by that I mean did they have a biopsy? Proven cancer. Some people that have a growth or maybe assuming that they have cancer. But if you don't have the biopsy to prove it, then we don't really know. My next question. What treatments had they previously tried? Had these people been recently diagnosed and not tried any other therapies? Or had they done a lot of conventional treatment and then done natural therapies? Or were they maybe doing natural therapies alongside conventional therapies? Another question did they have baseline testing before starting this all natural protocol, including lab testing and imaging? This information is very important for establishing a baseline, as you know.

Another question which treatments did they use which supposedly cured their cancer? When we talk about natural medicine or alternative medicine, that's a very vague term. If you look at some studies and we'll get into them in a minute. The use of whether they call it natural treatment or complementary treatment or alternative treatment is very vague. It basically means anything outside of the standard of care. So whether we're talking about nutrition or supplementation or stress reduction or prayer or meditation or acupuncture, we don't really know. So the details are very important to know which treatments these individuals are supposedly using that work so well. Another question, this is a very important question. Which lab tests or imaging tests were used to document their cure? If they're going to be proclaiming that they cured their cancer, well, they need to prove it. How do we know that if they truly did have cancer, that their cancer is now gone? In many cases, I feel like ignorance is bliss. If people have rejected modern medicine and they're not using any modern treatments or any conventional medical professionals, then it's not surprising that they're probably not monitoring their disease either.

And simply feeling good doesn't necessarily mean that the cancer is gone. So I'd love to know if these individuals are actually monitoring their disease with good testing, including lab testing and imaging to know how they're doing. Another question how long have they been cancer free? Have they been in remission for a few months? Has it been years? And finally, the last question are they still alive today? You can see a lot of testimonials online and you don't really know if those people truly were successful in their treatments and if they're still alive today or if they ended up if they were in remission, if they ended up having a return of their disease, which ultimately ended their life. So these are some questions to think about. It's easy, of course, to see a flashy headline or a dramatic story online and believe it. But as we all know, just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean that it's true. Hi, this is Dr. Jonathan Stegall, medical doctor and specialist in integrative oncology. And I want to tell you about my new best selling book, Cancer Secrets. This book is packed with valuable information you need to know about whether you're searching for information for yourself or for a loved one. In my book, you'll learn what cancer is and what it is not, as well as which treatments you should be focusing on from both modern medicine as well as alternative medicine.

You'll also learn the ins and outs of nutrition and supplementation, as well as important information about having the proper mindset. I'm in the trenches every day with patients and I've shared my secrets in this book with you. Please go to Cancer Secrets dot com and buy your copy now. So I'd really like to move next into discussing some studies because that really is the best way to see what truly is working and what's not. And thankfully, we have several good studies we can look at on this topic. There was a 2005 study in the Annals of Surgery, and this study evaluated women with breast cancer and they follow the outcomes of breast cancer patients who had surgery versus those who refuse the recommended surgery for their breast cancer. And this was a large study of over 5000 women. And the study found that women who refused surgery for their breast cancer had much worse outcomes, including being twice as likely to die from breast cancer compared to women who had the surgery. So that's significant. Twice as likely to die by refusing the recommended breast cancer surgery as opposed to having the surgery. There was also a study in 2010 in the International Journal of Surgical Oncology, which evaluated patients with liver cancer. And in this study, the patients who refused surgery for their liver cancer were over twice as likely to die from liver cancer compared to patients who had the recommended surgery. A study in 2012 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine sought to assess whether the use of complementary and alternative medicine or, in other words, natural medicine outside the standard of care affected breast cancer prognosis in women who did not receive chemotherapy.

The study found that the women who did not receive chemotherapy and instead focused only on natural therapies, were found to have a higher risk for developing spread of their cancer as well as a higher risk of death. A 2018 study published in the journal Clinical Breast Cancer evaluated over 500,000 breast cancer patients, including over 3000 who refused surgery. These patients who refused surgery had a nearly 2.5 times greater risk of dying from their cancer compared to women who had the surgery. So here we have good studies looking at a wide variety of patients over time where both surgery and chemotherapy were refused. And in either case, the patients who rejected those recommended therapies had much worse outcomes. And finally, there was a study published last year in the journal JAMA Oncology, which is the Journal of the American Medical Association. They have an oncology journal. And this study evaluated nearly 1300 patients with either breast, prostate, lung or colorectal cancer. In this study, patients who chose to forgo conventional treatment so they refused surgery, chemotherapy and radiation or any combination of those. And instead they incorporated only alternative treatments. They were more than five times more likely to be dead in five years compared to those who use conventional treatments. So this is a staggering result. Thousands of patients who rejected the recommended conventional treatments and instead focused only on natural treatments more than five times as likely to be dead within five years.

That's incredible. Now to play devil's advocate again, natural therapies. Well, that could take on a lot of meanings. That could be people who said I'm not doing conventional treatment and instead I'm going to stay home and sleep and meditate. It could be people who made a few diet and lifestyle changes and didn't do anything else. It could also mean people who made radical changes in many different areas of their lives and did a radical juicing diet and took 30 supplements and went to a variety of alternative practitioners as well. And the reality is, probably runs the gamut. You know, we're we're lumping people into the group of natural treatment only when that very likely meant a wide variety of things. But I think for the purposes of our discussion, it's clear that people who refuse conventional treatments and only do non conventional treatments do much worse overall. Hi. This is Dr. Stegall. I'm so glad you're enjoying the Cancer Secrets podcast. Do you have a question you would like answered in a future episode? If so, please go to Cancer Secrets dot com and click on podcast at the top of the page. Look for the tab on the right side of the page that says Send voice mail. You can record your question straight from your smartphone or computer with your question. Be sure to tell us your first name, where you're from, and why you listen to the show.

I will choose from the best questions and answer them on the air. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Now, if you've been using exclusively natural treatments to address your cancer or if you're considering doing so, you might be mad at me right now. I promise I don't have an agenda here. I believe that there are certainly some valuable natural therapies, but unfortunately there's no evidence that they're effective standalone therapies. And the research I shared with you supports that. But I know that this might be a hard reality for some of you to face. After all, we want to believe that there are consistently reliable natural cancer cures out there. And the idea that we can use natural treatments where they are, which are both effective and safe, with little to no side effects to exclusively treat our cancer and obtain never before seen results. Sounds amazing, and my hope is that we will get there one day, but unfortunately we're not there yet. The reality is that the cure for cancer is not found in any one supplement or nutritional strategy or alternative therapy. Electing to treat cancer using only a natural approach is analogous to counting on a lottery ticket to make you rich. You might be one of the few who wins, but chances are you'll lose. If you truly want to be rich. You're much more likely to get there using strategies and tactics used by those who have already made it.

When it comes to cancer, that means that you'll need to incorporate some conventional therapies, such as surgery and chemotherapy. And for the record, I want to say it once again, I am not discounting the positive role that nutrition, supplementation and other alternative therapies can have for cancer treatment. In fact, as you know, I incorporate them into all of my treatment protocols. Anyone who tells you that nutrition doesn't matter or that supplements are a waste of time is not familiar with the scientific research that's out there. However, anyone who tells you that you stand a good chance of curing your cancer with only natural therapies is also unfamiliar with the research. We don't currently have any substantial research showing that cancer is consistently cured or even helped by an exclusively natural approach. That's the cold, hard truth. So what are we to do? I believe that we use an integrative approach combining conventional modern medicine with natural alternative medicine. We do this in a way which is personalized for each patient, encompassing a best of both worlds approach. We employ open minded skepticism with a willingness to use any and all therapies at our disposal, provided that there is a scientific basis for their safety and efficacy. What's not to like? I see this approach work so well with so many different patients with a wide variety of cancers. As I've said before, most people out there are anti something, they're anti big pharma, they're anti conventional medicine, they're anti nutrition, anti supplements.

I'm tired of people being anti something. It's time for people to be pro patient. And that's exactly what I am. I am pro patient. I want to see good outcomes. I want to see more of them. I want to see all of the available tools that we have used in a smart way. And that's exactly what integrative oncology does. And that's why I'm so excited that we're able to get this podcast out there, to have people all over the world listen to this message and learn more about a truly reasonable and rational approach to cancer treatment that just makes sense. And as I said, it works. So thank you for being a part of this mission. I truly care about you and wherever you are in your journey. I'm humbled by the listeners we have throughout the world who faithfully listen to this podcast for Reliable and Innovative Cancer Information. Thank you so much for listening. This episode concludes Season two of our podcast. I have many exciting guests and topics in store for you during season three. I can't wait to share more great information with you. Please subscribe to the Cancer Secrets podcast to be notified when new episodes are released. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a minute and provide a review on iTunes. Finally, please share this podcast with your family and friends. As you know, all previous episodes are available for free on our website at Cancer Secrets. I look forward to next time. Bye bye.

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