Podcast Episode 24 – A Cure for Cancer – Jerusalem Case Study

24 A Cure for Cancer – Jerusalem Case Study.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

24 A Cure for Cancer – Jerusalem Case Study.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to the Cancer Secrets podcast. Changing the Cancer Paradigm. Hosted by Dr. Jonathan Steagall, a medical doctor and cancer specialist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia, deeply affected by his grandmother's death from stomach cancer, as well as patients he cared for in medical training, he realized there has to be a better way to treat cancer. Dr. Stegall has a unique and innovative approach to treating cancer called integrative oncology, combining modern medicine with alternative therapies personalized to each patient. This podcast is designed to educate, support and give you a positive voice you can trust. We invite you to join us on this journey as we seek to change the cancer paradigm.

Hi. This is Dr. Stegall. I'm so glad you're enjoying the Cancer Secrets podcast. Do you have a question you would like answered in a future episode? If so, please go to Cancer Secrets dot com and click on podcast at the top of the page. Look for the tab on the right side of the page that says Send voice mail. You can record your question straight from your smartphone or computer with your question. Be sure to tell us your first name, where you're from, and why you listen to the show. I will choose from the best questions and answer them on the air. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hello and welcome back to the Cancer Secrets podcast. I'm your host, Doctor Jonathan Stegall. This is season two and episode number 24. In today's episode, I'm going to discuss a recent news headline you might have seen about a group of researchers being close to a cure for cancer. If you're new to the show, please go back and listen to my introductory episode to learn more about me and my vision for this podcast. As always, we encourage you to listen with a loved one or friend. Learning and enjoying the show with a community will be more impactful than doing so alone. Today's show is going to be a great one as we discuss this purported cancer cure and what the research is telling us.

Earlier this year, you might have seen the news headlines stating scientists say they will have a cure for cancer in the next year. As reported by The Jerusalem Post, a small team of scientists in Israel working for a company known as Accelerated Evolution Biotechnology Ltd., stated that they have found the first complete cure for cancer. They referred to their treatment as Muto spelled Muta Ito, which is an acronym for Multi Target Toxin. They describe this as an antibiotic for cancer. They were fairly vague on the details, but stated that the treatment consists of cancer targeting peptides as well as a toxin that kills cancer cells. They went on to state that because the cells would be killed, patients could likely stop treatment after several weeks and not need to continue on a treatment cocktail throughout their lives. According to the chairman of the company's board of directors, quote, We believe we will offer in a year's time a complete cure for cancer. Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks of treatment, and will have no or minimal side effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments currently on the market. End quote. Now, the researchers stated that this treatment would not be affected by mutations within cancer cells, which means that the treatment should continue working.

Now, we know this is in contrast to a lot of therapies today, especially chemotherapy, when given it high doses which can induce mutations and stop working after a while once those cancer cells have adapted to the treatment. Now, these researchers also went on to say that their treatment will eventually be able to be personalized to each patient. So here we have a personalized cancer treatment, which supposedly works on all cancer types, has little to no side effects, only has to be taken for a brief period of time and is affordable. Sounds amazing, right? I've had a lot of people ask me about this research and if they need to get on a plane to Israel, don't buy your plane ticket just yet. As the saying goes, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Interestingly, we see news headlines every few months claiming that a cure for cancer has been found. Now, this headline from The Jerusalem Post is no different. Unfortunately, 99 times out of 100, these headlines are based on very preliminary and speculative research. So let's take a moment and talk about research and what it takes for treatments to be proven effective. Let's imagine we want to see if a substance kills cancer cells. The first step is what's known as the preclinical phase. This testing occurs in a lab and is performed on isolated cells in a petri dish or in lab animals.

The goal here is to see if the substance has any effect. Preclinical testing typically lasts for several years. If our substance works, we would progress to what is known as a Phase one clinical trial. This is the first step in the development of any new drug. Phase one trials are usually limited to patients who have cancer and who have exhausted all other treatment options. The goal of a Phase one trial is to identify the safest dose of the substance, identify any side effects, and find the most effective way to deliver the substance. Phase one trial is typically last several months, up to a year. If the phase one trial goes well, we move to a phase two trial. This phase begins to evaluate how well the treatment actually works and often involves patients with a specific cancer type. Phase two trials can last several years, and if the treatment works well, we move on to a phase three trial. A Phase three trial uses a much larger group of human test subjects than phase one or Phase two trials do. There can be thousands of patients in phase three trials, and these patients are typically put into a test group which receives the substance we're studying, or they're put into a control group which typically receives the current standard of care treatment.

The goal of a Phase three study is to see if the new treatment is better than the current standard of care for that cancer. This is considered the most reliable way to test a new treatment. Phase three trials last years or even decades in some cases. If our substances reach this phase and shows that it works better than the current standard of care, it will be approved for use by conventional medicine as part of the standard of care. At this point, we will have spent at least 8 to 10 years and millions of dollars on research, development and testing of our substance. Our product will now be available for use by hospitals and health care providers. After release, the substance will undergo Phase four testing, which seeks to monitor the treatment for continued effectiveness and safety. This phase is considered ongoing. As we all know, there have been drugs which past the first three phases of testing and were approved for use only to learn years later that it caused problems and had to be removed from the market. In the case of our Israeli researchers, it turns out that advanced evolution biotechnology has been around since the year 2000. They've reportedly been investigating their proprietary method of cancer treatment most of that time. Unfortunately, they have still not progressed past a preclinical phase, meaning that their studies have only occurred on cells and in lab animals and not in humans.

I can't even find one study they've published detailing their results thus far. Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the information you've received from your oncologist, chiropractor, nutritionist, herbalist, acupuncturist, guru and friends as well as what you've read online? If you're like most people, you are more confused than ever when it comes to cancer. Hi, this is Dr. Jonathan Segal, medical doctor and specialist in integrative oncology. And I want to tell you about my new best selling book, Cancer Secrets. This book is packed with valuable information you need to know about. I'm an open minded skeptic, which means that I'm open to any potential treatment, but also have a healthy level of skepticism when it comes to the latest greatest treatments in cancer secrets. I've applied my clinical experience with patients, as well as a scientific knowledge I've obtained over the years to share the tests and treatments. You should be focusing on treatments which are most likely to work. Everyone needs an expert in their corner and with this book I can be yours. Please go to Cancer Secrets now and buy your copy today. It's important to note that only a very, very small percentage of substances which work in preclinical studies are found to be effective in humans. In fact, that number is less than 5%. A lot of substances kill cancer cells in the lab, including bleach.

That doesn't mean that bleach is an effective cancer treatment. Which brings us to another important point. Even if a substance is found to be effective in killing cancer in humans, that does not mean that it's a viable treatment. We must also consider the safety of the substance, including toxicities and side effects. And finally, the substance must be delivered to the patient in a safe and effective manner. The end result is that very few substances which seem exciting in lab testing ever become bona fide treatments. This is because the human body is much more complex than a few cells in a petri dish or even a lab mouse. God thought of every detail when he created us. We are truly his masterpiece and there is no way we can replicate that in pre-clinical testing. I hope that we will one day have a cure for cancer, but I am convinced that it won't be one treatment. This is because every patient is different and every cancer is different. Because of cancer's complexity, I believe that the cure will be different for each patient and will likely include a cocktail of treatments designed to outsmart cancer affecting multiple pathways. I believe that this cocktail will take advantage of both conventional therapies and alternative therapies and will not only address the body's physiology and biochemistry, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health a truly integrative approach.

That's why I do what I do, and I believe in it so much. I hope you found this information to be helpful. I truly care about you and wherever you are in your journey. As always, I want you to have valid and reliable information and not always buy into the hype of things you may read about online or hear about in the news. I am humbled by the listeners we have in over 50 countries throughout the world who are finding this information valuable. I would like to welcome our new listeners from the following countries Dominica. Portugal. Croatia. Thailand. Qatar. Armenia. Lichtenstein. Taiwan, Nepal. Japan. Trinidad and Tobago. Serbia, Russian Federation, Iran, Vietnam and Jamaica. Welcome to the show and thank you for listening. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to the Cancer Secrets podcast to be notified when new episodes are released. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a minute and provide a review on iTunes. And finally, please share this podcast with your family and friends. All previous episodes are available for free on our website. Cancer Secrets. We have some really great episodes coming up in the future, including some interviews with some very special guests I know you'll really enjoy. Thank you so much for listening and for being a part of this movement with me. I look forward to next time.

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