Podcast Episode 15 – Open-Mindedness for Patient and Physician

15 Open-Mindedness for Patient and Physician.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

15 Open-Mindedness for Patient and Physician.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Welcome to the Cancer Secrets podcast. Changing the Cancer Paradigm. Hosted by Dr. Jonathan Steagall, a medical doctor and cancer specialist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia, deeply affected by his grandmother's death from stomach cancer, as well as patients he cared for in medical training, he realized there has to be a better way to treat cancer. Dr. Stegall has a unique and innovative approach to treating cancer called integrative oncology, combining modern medicine with alternative therapies personalized to each patient. This podcast is designed to educate, support and give you a positive voice you can trust. We invite you to join us on this journey as we seek to change the cancer paradigm.

Hi. This is Dr. Stegall. I'm so glad you're enjoying the Cancer Secrets podcast. Do you have a question you would like answered in a future episode? If so, please go to Cancer Secrets dot com and click on podcast at the top of the page. Look for the tab on the right side of the page that says Send voice mail. You can record your question straight from your smartphone or computer with your question. Be sure to tell us your first name, where you're from, and why you listen to the show. I will choose from the best questions and answer them on the air. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hello and welcome back to the Cancer Secrets Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Jonathan Stegall. This is season two and episode number 15. In today's episode, I'm going to discuss a very important topic, and that is open mindedness regarding cancer and cancer treatment. If you're new to the show, please go back and listen to my introductory episode to learn more about me and my vision for this podcast. As always, we encourage you to listen with a loved one or friend. Learning and enjoying the show with a community will be more impactful than alone. Today's show is going to be a great one as we address the need for open mindedness from both patients and health care providers. We all have very specific understandings and beliefs when it comes to cancer.

If you ask an oncologist what cancer is, he or she is likely to go into an in-depth explanation of the science behind DNA mutations, which we see in cancer cells, and how those genetic changes drive the growth and spread of cancer. If you ask these same oncologists how cancer should be treated, they will probably discuss treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Now, in contrast, if you ask an alternative health care provider, such as a chiropractor or a naturopath or an acupuncturist, he or she will probably explain how cancer develops as a result of environmental exposures and describe non-toxic cancer treatments involving nutrition, supplementation and other alternative modalities such as chiropractic and acupuncture. As a cancer patient or the loved one of a cancer patient, you have probably obtained your knowledge of cancer and cancer treatments from one or several people involved in health care. I'm also confident that what you have seen online on the Internet has probably shaped your understanding of cancer and your cancer treatment philosophy as well. Suffice it to say, you are probably overwhelmed and confused and possibly even angry by all the conflicting information out there. And to be honest, you aren't really sure who or what to believe. As an integrative oncologist, I am a cancer specialist. Like my conventional oncology peers. I'm a medical doctor. And I have an in-depth understanding of cancer and have spent thousands of hours in medical school, residency and fellowship, training, learning about cancer and taking care of patients with cancer.

These thousands upon thousands of hours have caused me to see the value in surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. However, they're not perfect. And like my alternative medicine peers, I know that cancer isn't just about genetic mutations, but also about environmental exposures and stressors. Through my advanced study in alternative and natural approaches to health and cancer, I believe that treatment shouldn't just be about the conventional therapies, but also about nutrition, herbal medicine, supplementation, and stress reduction, just to name a few. I have a true appreciation for what both sides bring to the table. I also realize the pitfalls of both approaches. If you'll notice, just about everyone you've heard from or learned from during your cancer journey has been narrowly focused on his or her specific niche, and is also likely to been very outspoken about what he or she is against. Conventional oncology is focused on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and that makes sense because that's what practitioners in this area are trained in, and therefore they don't tend to have much use for nutrition or anything outside of their scope. They often have a very negative opinion of many alternative therapies. And likewise, alternative practitioners are very focused on alternative therapies because that's what they're trained in. They don't have much use for chemotherapy or surgery or radiation or anything outside of their scope. A very, very important point you must understand is that virtually everyone out there who is giving advice or instruction related to cancer is biased.

They are biased due to the education they have or have not received and the treatments they are or are not able to recommend and administer. They are very much against things that they can't do or don't understand, and they tend to be very much for the things that they can do and that they do understand. Now, this might sound negative, but it's the truth. I'm the only person I know of who is trained well trained in both conventional and alternative modalities as they relate to cancer treatment and who is truly open to any treatment. Therapy or intervention which has a scientific basis for its use, is legal and is presumably safe. I don't have an allegiance to a drug company or to a supplement company or to an insurance company. I have an allegiance to my patients and to helping them get well. And I say all of this because I want you to know that you can trust me. Some of you I've met in the real world, some of you I only know through this podcast. But I'm passionate about delivering real, truthful and practical information that people can use. I'm so tired of the lies and the misinformation as it relates to cancer, and that's true on both sides of the aisle. This is something I'm passionate about because there are literally millions of people dying each year around the globe due to cancer.

It makes me angry when a new patient tells me that their previous oncologist told them that nutrition doesn't matter. Conversely, it makes me angry to see documentaries online telling people that all they need to do to cure their cancer is change their diet and take some supplements. This is cancer we're talking about. This is literally life or death. We don't have the luxury of being closed minded. If you're dealing with cancer, you must guard yourself against having a rigid set of criteria for what you are and aren't willing to do. I'm amazed by the number of prospective patients that call my office who are insistent on which therapies they will and won't do. At some point, you're going to have to trust credible sources and well trained health care providers to direct your care. And I know this can be difficult, especially if you're thinking outside the box and trying to pursue some therapies which are outside of the mainstream. You aren't likely to get a lot of support for that. You're probably trying to assemble your health care team with a collection of providers, each with a different skill set. And for some of you, I understand that's what you have to do. But ideally, you need to find an integrative oncologist who is an expert in cancer, who has training in a wide variety of modalities, who understands all these different therapies and can choose them in a very strategic way to treat you and who has access to all of these therapies to actually perform them.

The credentials and the experience and the license to actually perform these treatments. Otherwise, you're shortchanging yourself. Hi, this is Dr. Jonathan Stegall, medical doctor and specialist in integrative oncology. And I want to tell you about my new bestselling book, Cancer Secrets. This book is packed with valuable information you need to know about whether you're searching for information for yourself or for a loved one. In my book, you'll learn what cancer is and what it is not, as well as which treatments you should be focusing on from both modern medicine as well as alternative medicine. You'll also learn the ins and outs of nutrition and supplementation, as well as important information about having the proper mindset. I'm in the trenches every day with patients and I've shared my secrets in this book with you. Please go to Cancer Secrets and buy your copy now. I'm here to tell you that there is no conspiracy to keep you sick. There are no perfect cancer treatments which work all the time and which don't have the potential for side effects. The science behind treating cancer the best way possible is to use any and all treatments we think will work. The art of optimal cancer treatment is to choose the specific cocktail of treatments, which we think will work best for each patient.

Now, this isn't easy or everyone will be doing it. Please always question the source of anyone giving you advice. This is true for a physician consultation or a visit to a nurse practitioner or a trip to your chiropractor's office, or a virtual consultation with a nutritionist or anyone you see interviewed online or anyone giving you advice. Always question the source. There are a lot of people out there trying to take advantage of you and your desire for help. My frustration and anger over these people on both sides and the misinformation and lies they're spreading is the reason I wrote my book, Cancer Secrets. And it's also the reason I started the Cancer Secrets podcast. Folks, this is serious business. Please share this information with others. It's critical if you have a friend or family member who has cancer or who is on this journey with you, please have them listen to this episode. Even if they're busy, even if they don't have a lot of interest in what you may be doing, please have them listen to this episode. It's 10 minutes of their day. You can have them go to cancer secrets dot com to listen to this episode and all the other ones for free. I also have a free series of blog posts on cancer secrets dot com as well. I regularly publish new ones. There's more information about my book on that site as well.

And certainly if you haven't already, please follow me on social media there or Facebook pages for cancer secrets as well as Jonathan Segal, MD. I regularly release new information that I have written and also other good resources I've found on both of those pages. So please follow me on social media to get credible, reliable information, which you can know without a doubt is factual and in your best interest. Thank you so much for listening today. As you can see, this is a topic I'm very passionate about. I can't stand to see people in need being lied to and misled. I truly care about you, wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever you're going through. I do care about you and what you're going through. And I want to see more victories over cancer than ever before. And for that to happen, we have to broaden our horizons. And that is true for both health care providers and patients alike. In episode 16, we'll be bringing you more great content. Please subscribe to our podcast so you'll be notified when each new episode is released. And as always, please submit your questions. You can go to Cancer Secrets dot com. Click on the podcast tab at the top of the page and on the subsequent page you'll see a tab on the right hand side. You can click on and leave your question via audio voicemail. Until next time. Bye bye.

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